Labels:text | newspaper | screenshot OCR: .When I was working on QUICKDRAW I came across some improvements, real good algorithms, that I would love to tell lots of people about, because I think they're really neat hacks. And yet, I want to see Apple around in 20 years. I just know there's some- thing there that gives Mac an advantage over an IBM PC and don't really want to see IBM rip off QUICKDRAW. I don't." BILL ATKINSON, author of MACPAINT, the landmark graphics program on the Macintosh to license it to anybody who fek that they had a need once it's completed. in the medium in which we work, me some money. I would guess that about one-tenth of For it, and if they refused such a Icense, it would then it's a trivial matter to make a perfect copy and give it the people who are using the program now have paid be stripped of its cop ...